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Our Mission:

We collectively strive to empower our people to honour our health through active participation in our holistic programs and community-rooted services.  Through a collaborative approach, we are dedicated to preserving our culture and enriching the lives of those we serve.

Our Mandate:

  • Develop, design and deliver holistic health and wellness programs and services to the entire membership and community of Sik-E-Dakh (Glen Vowell Band);

  • Provide community-based training, awareness activities and educational programs to build capacity, identify and prevent public health risks in Sik-E-Dakh;

  • Promote the highest quality of culturally enriched, community-driven, methods, models and practices of health care, wellness services and social determinants of healing;

  • Celebrate, recognize and honour the integrity, strength and unity of our shared history, joint responsibilities and common goals for a vibrant, healthy, and prosperous future;

  • Collaborate with health, housing, human and social service providers to ensure the membership and community of Sik-E-Dakh have equitable access to programs and services that fosters and supports our collective approach to becoming independent, thriving, strong, healthy, contributing members of our growing community and progressive nation;

  • To advocate, apply for and allocate health and wellness, housing, human and social service delivery resources from local, regional, provincial, federal and international health authorities, government agencies, foundations and other such service providers;

  • To charge and collect fees, to receive donations and to expand funds to defray expenses and to promote and advance any of the purposes of the Sik-E-Dakh Health Society;

  • To perform other such lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the above purposes and to the advancement and welfare of the Sik-E-Dakh membership and community.


Our Vision:

Wellness within, healing throughout.


(250) 842-6876



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